for daegum, khaen, and jeongak gayageum
16 minutes
I. 광대놀이 / Gwangdae Nori (‘Clown Play’)
II. 방상시 / Bangsangsi
III. Ancient Melody on Golden Thread
Narye is an ancient ritual from the Goryeo period that served to exorcise demons from the kingdom, including for royal funerals and the welcoming of foreign dignitaries. The inspiration for this composition is the Naryega, a fragmentary poem and reconstructed melody with allusions to the scenes of the narye ritual, including the presence of clowns as entertainers. I selected three instruments for this work, daegum, jeongak or pungnyu gayageum which is the type of gayageum that could have been found during the Goryeo period, and the largest and deepest of my khaen, the free-reed mouth organ of Laos and Northeast Thailand which is a predecessor of East Asian mouth organs such as the saenghwang. The three movements are imaginative portraits of narye: dances of entertainer clowns, the ritual action of the Bangsangsi who wear bear skins and frightful masks with four golden eyes to scare the spirits, and a mysterious meditation on a ritual largely lost to history, which includes quotations of the reconstructed Nareyga melody played by both daegum and khaen.
‘나례(Narye)’는악귀를쫒기위해고려시대로부터행해지던의례이며.왕실의제사나외국사신들을맞을때에도행해졌다. 이작품은‘나례가‘에나오는시 의단편들과공연자로서광대가등장하는것과같이나례의식장면을암시하는선율에영감을받아작곡하였다. 나는이작품을위하여대금,정악가야금(혹 은풍류가야금),그리고라오스와태국북동부의전통악기카옌을선택하였다. 카옌은생황과같은동아시아마우스오르간의전신으로크고깊은소리를지 닌다. 이작품은3개의악장으로이루어지며각악장은상상속나례의초상들이다.1악장은광대들의춤,2악장은곰가죽을입고4개의금빛눈을가진공포스러 운 가면을 쓴 방상시(Bangsangsi)의 제례 동작, 그리고 3악장은 대금과 카옌이 재구성된 나례 선율들을 연주하며 대부분 역사에서는 사라진 의식의 신비한 명상을 그렸다.
Requires khaen in Bb minor and khaen in D minor.
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